Author: elclarin

After the Spanish Civil War (1939) Pepe Sánchez began in commercial activities and in the manufacture and sale of paprika. In collaboration with his son in law who  was a painter, he developed the image, brand and logo for the company. These are some brief notes about...

This is an unprecedented moment for everyone. Thus, we understand that all companies, like EL CLARÍN SPICES, S.L., are taking all possible precautions to minimize the impact of this crisis. Currently, EL CLARÍN SPICES, S.L. can satisfy the deliveries within the "normality" as previously to the...

As in previous years, El Clarín Spices collaborates in the Solidarity Rake of Colegio Teresiano del Pilar in Zaragoza. On this occasion, we are especially excited to participate with our paprika in Manos Unidas Solidarity Project for COMMUNITY INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT IN 10 VILLAGES IN INDIA (In...