Author: elclarin

On the occasion of the World Environmental Day, El Clarín Spices SL in collaboration with Aktiveko developed on 30th May an eco-friendly action for Nature in order to mitigate climate change. The project consisted on generate shadow spaces with the planting of mulberry trees in the...

El Clarín Spices SL will collaborate with Manos Unidas through the Solidarity Market organized by Colegio Teresiano del Pilar (Zaragoza) on February 26 to obtain funds to cover a project awarded to contribute to General Development in the central area of ​​Cameroon. With this project we...

As a company, we are pleased when anonymous people discover “El Clarín” paprika cans in their homes or that of their ancestors. In the same way, such a discovery leads them to investigate our company and admire that after almost 80 years we continue working  for...

As required by new Spanish regulations (RD553/20) El Clarín Spices SL is registered as a Small Residue Producer, obtaining a "NIMA" registration number (environmental identification number) in order to ensure that its specific treatment and disposal are perform safely. The classification of residue as hazardous is...

La Vera Smoked Paprika Market forecasts price increases due to the Ukraine War, the rise in fuel and transport costs, fertiliser prices more expensive and a significant drop in production due to the loss of 100 hectares in the last year . All that means a...

Clarín Spices SL has renewed its ecological accreditation for another year. The ecological certificate allow you to easily recognize those foods that are produced respecting the environment. Thus demonstrates that our organic paprika combines quality, technology and tradition with good environmental practices....