
El Clarín Spices SL will collaborate one more year with Manos Unidas through the Solidarity market organized by Colegio Teresiano del Pilar (Zaragoza) next February to get social funds with which to promote the nutrition of the students of the Vocational Training in Tororo, Uganda. In the area of Tororo, where this project is located, the rates of crime, prostitution and...

At EL CLARIN SPICES, we are committed with Sustainability and care for the environment. Therefore, we comply with Royal Decree 1055/2022 on packaging and packaging waste, ensuring that the waste generated by our products is managed in an appropriate and environmentally friendly way. Apart from that commitment, we are adhered to the GENCI Extended Producer Responsibility Collective System (SCRAP in Spanish...

Next 2025 will be a bad year for Pimentón de la Vera (Extremadura, Spain) because of the harvest will remain about 2,500 tons, 300 less than previous year, due to climatic factors such as the rains in June and the low temperatures during the month of July. . Both phenomena have caused the crops to be affected by the fungus, bacteriosis...

On the occasion of the World Environmental Day, El Clarín Spices SL in collaboration with Aktiveko developed on 30th May an eco-friendly action for Nature in order to mitigate climate change. The project consisted on generate shadow spaces with the planting of mulberry trees in the areas with the greatest insolation in Activities Center Casas Nuevas Mountain Lodge (Mula). A group of...

The Clarín Spices SL will collaborate one more year with Manos Unidas through the Solidarity Market organised by the Teresiano del Pilar School (Zaragoza) on the 11th of February to obtain funds to contribute to the improvement of access to Secondary Education in the rural area of Magude - Mozambique - Southern Africa. To remedy this situation as much as possible,...

Thirty years ago, children grew up in direct contact with nature: playing in the street, going out with friends, fighting among the orchards, building tree houses outside were common activities. Over time, nevertheless, environments have become more urbanized and activities have moved further and further away from physical and emotional contact with the natural environment. Children's socialising and meeting...

The DOP Pimentón de la Vera Regulatory Council estimates a 60% reduction in the pepper harvest for this 2023 campaign. This situation will increase prices and could cause shortages. After analyzing the situation, the Pimentón de la Vera DOP estimates that approximately a third of the planted area has been lost, that is, more than 400 hectares due to excess rainfall...

El Clarín Spices SL will collaborate with Manos Unidas through the Solidarity Market organized by Colegio Teresiano del Pilar (Zaragoza) on February 26 to obtain funds to cover a project awarded to contribute to General Development in the central area of ​​Cameroon. With this project we want to contribute to achieve a greater sensitivity and commitment towards the countries of the...

EL CLARÍN SPICES has been selected as a CEPYME500 2022 company for meeting the criteria analyzed in terms of turnover, environmental growth, size and profitability, for which reason it is among the 500 leading growth companies in Spain, 20 of them in the Region of Murcia. Although with a production center located in La Matanza de Orihuela (Alicante), El Clarín Spices...

As a company, we are pleased when anonymous people discover “El Clarín” paprika cans in their homes or that of their ancestors. In the same way, such a discovery leads them to investigate our company and admire that after almost 80 years we continue working  for our customers. As you can see in the image, these are several cans from the second...