El Clarín

As required by new Spanish regulations (RD553/20) El Clarín Spices SL is registered as a Small Residue Producer, obtaining a "NIMA" registration number (environmental identification number) in order to ensure that its specific treatment and disposal are perform safely. The classification of residue as hazardous is...

La Vera Smoked Paprika Market forecasts price increases due to the Ukraine War, the rise in fuel and transport costs, fertiliser prices more expensive and a significant drop in production due to the loss of 100 hectares in the last year . All that means a...

Clarín Spices SL has renewed its ecological accreditation for another year. The ecological certificate allow you to easily recognize those foods that are produced respecting the environment. Thus demonstrates that our organic paprika combines quality, technology and tradition with good environmental practices....

The National Platform for the Defense of the Road Transport Sector, which called an indefinite strike in the road transport sector mid-March, has once again threatened to return to the blockade situation, since they understand that their demands have not been met. , especially the...

From El Clarín Spices SL we are following the war in Ukraine with great concern. There are several signs of solidarity that come from all over the world, from individuals to companies. For this reason, El Clarín Spices contributes through the Caritas Campaign by providing funds that...

Thanks to collectors of ancient objects we can enjoy boxes like this one. This is one of the paprika packaging examples (200 gr) used to make homemade chorizo in the 1950s last century. The metal box is stamped with the company and brand logo and as...

From El Clarín Spices SL we are following the situation in Ukraine with great concern, and we want to express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Across Europe, people are showing their support for Ukraine, with people filling the streets to demonstrate in many cities. At this...

Our traceability system, implemented from the raw materials to the final product, together with the inspections carried out at each stage, guarantee the analytical verification of all the processes. We ensure the best qualities of our paprika, working in collaboration with our farmers and controlling the...

From different documents and files on the Murcia City Council, we know of the existence of the Council Clarines, a musical group normally made up of two bugles (high-pitched trumpets) and timpani. This institution had a continuous presence surely between the 15th and 18th centuries, and...